What started out as a big of a goofy or aggressive marketing idea, 'let's get a big van with Gerry's name and logo on it as a big rolling build board'- has turned into an important community service. With no local U-Haul, moving can be difficult and expensive. People and groups from all parts of the Valley have relied on this FREE service. Because the original van is a bit of a 'beast' (potential for double booking, and a back up in case of mechanical problems), Gerry bought a second van in the fall of 2023.
With the popularity of the service increasing, in the case of scheduling conflicts, here is the order of priority for bookings:
- 1. Clients who have bought or sold with Gerry
- 2. Community groups/not for profits
- 3. Renters and/or people who need the use of the van but aren't buying or selling real estate
- 4. People who bought or sold with another agent (we all make mistakes, you can always use Gerry next time! And maybe considering making a donation to the Museum or Housing Society)
The concept is for shorter moves and trips within the valley. If you are looking to make a longer trip or need a van for multiple days, please provide some details in the booking form.
If you are in a financial position to make a donation, here are two local groups we think are worthy of financial support:
Windermere Valley Museum is a volunteer run organization protecting and celebrating local history, details on making a donation can be found here:
The Columbia Valley Housing Society is working to increase the supply of secure and attainable rental housing in the Columbia Valley, donations can be made here: