
"...The far-famed Columbia River takes its rise from the north end of Lake Windermere, in the Columbia Valley. The lake is ten miles long, with considerable settlement at the northern end. The tourist will find fine air, beautiful surroundings, and the very best riding, driving, boating and sailing. Within easy automoblie reach are two well-known hot springs..."
Excerpt from "ACROSS CANADA BY C. P. R.", 1924

Since the 1920's, Invermere, Lake Windermere and the Columbia Valley (now including Radium Hot Springs, Fairmont Hot Springs, and Panorama Resort) have been recreational and tourism destinations. Many families and generations have had 'cabins' in and around Invermere. Over the decades, 'cabins' have evolved from summer shacks on the lake-shore to a wide variety of offerings from condos with recreational amenities, to massive impressive custom homes ('starter-castles')- to everything in between.

People have invested significantly, both emotionally and financially into the area. Owing a recreational property in the area is a legacy investment that not only means fun, but it also means a connection to the environment and to the community, and quality time building family memories.

Perhaps to sum this all up as "Playing" is simplistic... but then again... maybe things should be that simple...

Life is short. Come to the warm side of the Rockies!

Explore the sampling below of some great Playful properties, and don't hesitate to reach out for more information!

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Gerry Taft Personal Real Estate Corporation

Mobile: 250-341-1202

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2020 Washington Street Po Box 2277  Rossland,  BC  V0G 1Y0 

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